Monday, November 9, 2009

HIMYM 102: Purple Giraffe

All right I'm still figuring out how to write these, I can't recap the whole episode every week, I don't want to give grades, and the reason for my reviews is mainly to nitpick continuity and count stuff that is truly meaningless mainly, it seems like Barney's 200 'sex with' number in the time the show gave us seems low. If this seems pointless and obsessive, Hi, internet, nice to meet you. So I have settled on pointing out our 5 principles best moments, plus any other characters that need a mention and declare an MVP. After that I'll point out any continuity pluses and minuses and then get into the counts of things that don't matter, but do matter enough to count.

Ted: "Who is this? Meredith? Oh Robin", the impossibly quick thinking moment of "I guess I've been saying next Friday all week. It's tonight", and the hilarious run into frame of the Purple Giraffe news story and darting out.

Marshall: Marshall's ability to declare a party success when he has had 4 cans of dip and get over his annoyance at Ted by declaring 'Get French Dip'.

Lilly: Lilly being the girl voice in a group of guys is always amusing. Her declaring Barney a dork when he was 'searching' and asking if the guys got high, just shows that she belongs there to keep the ship on course. If you think I am ignoring 'Horny Lilly' who given an engagement ring is declaring that she forgot to wear panties, well, I am pointing out things I find funny, not awesome, so just rest assured that horny Lilly is always awesome and I noted it, but I am choosing to point out the funny.

Robin: Well she is still just the dream girl and her rewind on her Barney burn was to forced to endear her to the group.

Barney: The fact that there is a woman at every New York party who knows nobody is initially labeled 'Statistic' was funny, but the fact that it had to be punctuated with, "Do you see... where I'm going... huh-with this." well NPH, you make WH sounds funny. Back when Barney was just a regular letch and not the over the top 2 clicks short of Quagmire from Family Guy one night stand ninja that they sometimes made him, 'Sweetie? Really?' was really really good.

MVP: OK NPH has the ability to walk away with this every night, but in the interest of fairness I will look deeper, and 4 cans of dip is a winner MARSHALL

Season count: Ranjeet won an undeclared victory for the Pilot based on superior blocking by the director. So ...

Marshall- 1
Ranjeet- 1

  • The first showing of Lilly's inability to keep a secret, a trait that has been consistent
  • Why does Robin go to Maclaren's so much? She was ther with her friends the week before when she met Ted and then she was just hangin out there after work to see Lilly and get to know her over a beer? It's established that she lives far away, so I am going to assume the Channel 1 offices are near the apartment.
  • It is funny to hear Barney say that he is not sure he likes Robin.
Have you met....: 3 (5)
Barney: Sex with 'works with Carlos girl' so that is 1. This will get more detailed and far more difficult as we get into stories in passing, when I believe he is lying for affect, and the sometimes amorphous definition of 'hook up'.

Up next: Ted has this much fun when he was all set to have this much fun