Friday, November 20, 2009

HIMYM 106: The Slutty Pumpkin

Ted holds out hope to reunite with the 'Slutty Pumpkin'. A girl he met years ago at a Halloween party on the roof. Marshall and Lilly go all out to win a costume contest at Maclaren's while Robin does not go all out to get along with her new boyfriend. Barney tries to get Ted to give up the Halloween ghost.

Ted: Ted's romantic notions are on full display as he tries to recreate the scenario of meeting the Slutty Pumpkin. In the process he turns down an invitation to the Victoria's Secret party blithely stating that "we can get rejected by supermodels any night". Ummm dude, NO YOU CAN NOT. No MVP for you.

Marshall: Pirate jokes, looking weirdly hot in guyliner, and saying he has plenty of sex with his parrot. Yes it is Halloween, and he gamely defends the Ewoks, who while I personally don't defend wholeheartedly, have never ever bothered me, and when I watched the movie when I was 7 were really great. Also penguins are apparently like little Ewoks.

Lilly: Lilly was a cute parrot and again is the guide for others relationships. She ate food off another guys fork to avoid the awkward and engaged in the sickeningly cute exchange with her fiance over the dish off (an argument over who got the better dish, which since they should have had everything at Maclaren's by now, should have been settled long ago) I did love using the parrots voice to repeat things. 'BRAH Sad Commentary'.

Robin: Robin is not good at being a couple and she will call a guy out IN FRONT OF HER FRIENDS WHO WERE SIDING WITH THE GUY. Yeesh

Barney: Walks in to the apartment in slow motion to Kenny Loggins in a flight suit. He called Ted 'Dangerous' to which Josh Radnor doesn't even try to not laugh. He uses 3 costumes to get one girls number and then after she calls him on the gimmick, he says he'll just call her anyway because 'He's a master of disguise'. Awesome, I am flippering you off.

MVP: Lilly was in contention but it is Barney all over.

Season count:

Marshall- 2
Ranjeet- 1
Barney - 2
Lilly - 1

  • Robin says she can't be in a couple because she never played team sports. Only tennis, but we learned in Best Prom Ever that she never went to prom because it was the same weekend as field hockey finals. In season 4 we also know that she made out with one of her hockey teammates.
  • Barney uses magic that involves a flint for the first of many times.
  • Marshall needs to help Lilly go to the bathroom because it is an elaborate costume, but we later learned that Lilly has never peed in front of Marshall. I guess he could have helped her undress and then left, but still.
  • Ted thought about peeing off the roof because the line to the bathroom was too long, but I thought the party was on the roof? Could he not go to his own apartment?
Suit Ups: 2 (6) Flight suit up and penguin suit up
Wait for it: 0 (2)
Have you met....: 0 (5)
Barney: Barney worked really hard to get a number, but once again, 1 confirmed, 1 possible

Up next: Ted tries to get a date from Ellenor Frutt and a computer